Апериодика из Златоуста

Апериодика // авторский блог из Златоуста

Don't look back

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А я все продолжаю слушать "13". Обалденно... Нет ничего лучше хорошей музыки!

Black Sabbath - End of the Beginning.

Regeneration of your cyber sonic soul.
Transforming time and space beyond control;
Rise up resist and be the master of your fate.
Don't look back, live for today - tomorrow is too late.

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grin LOL cheese smile wink smirk rolleyes confused surprised big surprise tongue laugh tongue rolleye tongue wink raspberry blank stare long face ohh grrr gulp oh oh downer red face sick shut eye hmmm mad angry zipper kiss shock cool smile cool smirk cool grin cool hmm cool mad cool cheese vampire snake excaim question

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